
21-07-14 的公务员范围。该播客由全市行政服务部(DCAS)通信主任尼克·本森(Nick Benson)和DCAS的多样性和平等就业机会官员比琳達·弗兰奇(Belinda French)共同主持。目前,纽约市“全市内部...

我最恨的人 竟是那个救我的人/World War II: The Person I Hate the Most Is the One Saving My Life

20-10-19 corner of the camp.Sixty years later, a British newspaper published an article entitled: The one who...


20-04-22 。该航班2018年1月1日上午10时25分从奥克兰飞往法属波利尼西亚(French Polynesia)的帕比提(Papeete),于当地时间2017年12月31日下午4时25分抵达。这些时光旅行不过是地点...

What is the best assistance in life   人生的靠山是什么?

20-02-11 The general sighed, "I thought it was me who saved the French couple. Now I realized it was them...


19-12-23 her.A man sitting opposite him deliberately held up a newspaper to block his face and pretended not to...


19-08-19 一负第二名的战绩挺进8强。又在8强的淘汰赛中连过两关获得第三日的决赛权。决赛当天,吴比披戴著中华民国的国旗上阵对决英国的Teddy French。从他的妈妈罗茵如现场直播的视频中看得出来,吴比出场时脚步...


19-07-05 。网站:tinyurl.com/y6njax2d。4、法国餐馆周 French Restaurant Week(Pexels-CC0)法国不仅是浪漫之都,也是全世界美食的天堂。因此,法国餐自然也被公认为...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 the age of seven, and was adopted by the French evangelist Li Feili.  Li Feili hired a famous local...


19-05-10 关系高级副总裁大卫·弗兰克(David French)警告说,不到一周突然通知增加关税将严重扰乱美国企业,特别是对那些资源有限的小公司。针对川普反对者制造恐怖的战术,班农驳斥了这些可怕的预测。“这都是...

中共反悔承诺  美对中国商品加税

19-05-09 ,全球股市跌至五周低点,投资者寻求债券和日元的安全,日元兑美元触及六周高位。全国零售联合会政府关系高级副总裁弗兰克(David French)警告,不到一周突然通知增加关税将严重扰乱美企,特别是对那些资源...


19-04-04 French Market) ,4月26日到28日,超过30个摊位在乔治城的Book Hill社区人行道上展开,现场有音乐、儿童活动和食物等等。国家大教堂花市(National Cathedral Flower...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 answer is that when you ask how large a cup is, it depends on its capacity. French writer Victor Hugo...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 conference with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on July 13. He said that Trump Jr. “took a meeting...


17-07-12 各地。        费用:低至五折/免费。 6、法国餐馆周 French Restaurant Week为庆祝法国国庆 Bastille Day,纽约第8届法国餐馆周,汇集了纽约42家法国餐厅,为民众提供特价套餐,价格低...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 —especially as it’s played out politically—is the new skin that the old Marxism now inhabits.”“Even the French...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 this newspaper note that Wu and Zhou are now divorced, although Wu and Anbang have publicly denied such...


17-06-18 夏威夷群岛的一半。最大的岛屿是依莎贝拉岛。22.法属波利尼西亚 Bora Bora French Polynesia法属波利尼西亚群岛位于太平洋东南部的碧海之上,热带气候让这里常年郁郁葱葱、风景秀丽...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 quoted by NBC News“There are all kinds of rumors around. There are newspaper stories, but that’s not...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 heritage. My wife is French, and a big part of our life is French also and we don't ignore that, but we...

网购星期一 最优惠的大折扣有哪些?

16-11-27 )Bodum 34-oz French Press铜咖啡机($ 33.56,节省$ 16.44)Wusthof Gourmet七件套起动器套装($ 129.95,节省$ 154.05)Breville多速榨汁机...

不出门也能买 亚马逊黑色星期五促销清单

16-11-20 ,节省$39.60)Heylr开罐器($9.09,节省$12.90)Cozyna French Press咖啡机($24.95,节省$ 24.95)Culina Fine Mesh不锈钢过滤器,一套3件...

真的?假的?传希拉里败选后提离婚 (图)

16-11-14 美国大选结果尘埃落定,坊间有传希拉里败选后,提出与丈夫前总统克林顿离婚。美国媒体“Christian Times Newspaper ”11月10日报道还称他们取得了希拉里离婚的法律文件图片。但美国...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 or policy公开支持或反对某个议题或政策Run for office竞选公职Write to a  newspaper向报社投函56*When is the last  day you can...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 audience, in China. (Matthew Robertson/Epoch Times)Nearly 20 years ago, newspaper headlines were wondering...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 listened to it and was so at peace,” said Lori Dow-Moore, a Spanish and French high school teacher.Suki...


16-10-01 have a bus map, please?请给我一份公共汽车路线图好吗?If I were you, I'd try one of the newspaper stands.如果我是你,我会到...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 of love, taking the form of a series of speeches, both satirical and serious, given by a group of men...


16-04-10 金字塔 (The Great Pyramids of Giza):现实:人面狮身的哀怨神情说明了一切。10. 期望中的法国蔚蓝海岸 (The French Riviera):现实:11. 期望中的美国...


15-12-29 。薯条叫“French fries”,番茄酱叫 “ketchup”,这些快餐店常见的单词你一定要懂得。 在美国街上,buffet很多,也就是“自助餐”。想填饱肚子是很方便的。如果太忙或不方便上街还可以...

美经济复苏餐饮业大热 餐厅闹厨师荒

15-10-27French Louie餐厅老板Doug Crowell说:“好厨师一直供不应求。以前是因为少数高档餐馆争抢熟练工人。现在是劳动力资源和产业火爆的问题。”餐厅精品食物何以为继?全美的餐饮业升温,更多餐馆开业...

彗星发现酒精和糖 星球生命起源新线索

15-10-25 国家科学研究中心(French National Center for Scientific Research)天体物理学家波克利莫凡(Dominique Bockelie-Morvan)表示,这项最新研究...

旧金山湾区 18家餐厅入选米其林

15-10-23 。多次获得米其林三颗星的湾区餐厅The French Laundry主厨Thomas Keller表示,他有着远远超出热情,要做出美食来的强烈愿望,同时有共同理念的团队合作是他们成功经营的关键。〝每天上班是因为...

笑到喷水!“报到处”翻成“Newspaper Everywhere”

15-05-21 “报到处”翻成“Newspaper Everywhere”。花莲市邱姓网友在脸书上分享一个办公室立牌的翻译,相片显示立牌中的“报到处”被直接翻译成英文“Newspaper Everywhere...


15-04-12 [ ] square brackets 方括号<> Angle brackets 尖括号{} curly brackets or braces 大括号《 》French quotes 法文引号;书名号...

来纽约 品尝21道实惠味美的早午餐

15-03-28 食品,是用面包加入蛋汁后,再用食油煎至金黄色而成。依不同地区的喜好,会在表面加上糖浆、牛油、鲜奶油,甚至配上水果食用。1. 哈拉犹太面包(The classic challah french toast...


15-02-27 bottleEntréeFish & Chipscrispy fried french fries and cole slawManawa Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New...


15-02-27 Cheeseburger with Parmesan TruffleFriesSeared Citrus Glazed Salmon with French Green BeansCaesar Salad with...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 , Joachim Bouvet, Jean-Francois Gerbillon and four other French scientists were welcomed by Emperor Kangxi...

羊年 环宇寻找人类失去许久的心(多图)

15-02-20 Island – Adana – Turkey)法属波利尼西亚,图帕伊岛(Tupai Island – French Polynesia)博茨瓦纳,欧卡万戈沼泽,心形岛(Heart-shaped Island...

横跨整个美国 加州纳帕价值30万失窃名酒北卡寻获

15-01-24 名叫“法国洗衣房”(The French Laundry),是一家米其林三星饭店,曾经两次获得权威杂志评选的世界最佳饭店称号。据当地媒体报道,纳帕县警长说,现在还不清楚这76瓶稀有的法国葡萄酒是怎么...